Foundations of Speed and Accuracy

Continue your journey to the next level of pistol performance.

Our Foundations of Speed and Accuracy class has been meticulously crafted to enhance the abilities of those seeking to explore and enhance their speed and accuracy. Designed to elevate your pistol shooting proficiency, each session is tailored to propel you toward peak performance.

Attending students should be confident and comfortable with their firearm handling skills and marksmanship abilities.

Throughout the class, our expert instructors diagnose and coach every shooter, identifying areas for improvement and guiding them towards excellence.

Topics covered include:

  • Trigger Finger Isolation
  • Mastering the grip
  • Understanding acceptable sight picture
  • Perfecting the draw to first shot
  • Predictive shooting
  • Target focused engagements
  • Effective recoil mitigation
  • Applying visual concepts

Each lesson is thoughtfully curated to unlock the full potential of every participant, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to ascend to the next level.

This immersive class spans 4 hours, requiring:

  • 250 rounds of ammunition
  • Essential eye and ear protection
  • Outside or Inside the waistband holster for your firearm
  • Two magazines and pouches (Speed Loaders if using a revolver)
  • Necessary note-taking gear

Join us as we embark on a transformative journey towards mastery.

Unleash your true potential with our Foundations of Speed and Accuracy class.

Next Class: May 10th 2025
Location: Thurmont, MD
Pricing breakdown: